Package kanga.visitor

Interface Summary
GJNoArguVisitor<R> All GJ visitors with no argument must implement this interface.
GJVisitor<R,A> All GJ visitors must implement this interface.
GJVoidVisitor<A> All GJ void visitors must implement this interface.
Visitor All void visitors must implement this interface.

Class Summary
DepthFirstVisitor Provides default methods which visit each node in the tree in depth-first order.
GJDepthFirst<R,A> Provides default methods which visit each node in the tree in depth-first order.
GJNoArguDepthFirst<R> Provides default methods which visit each node in the tree in depth-first order.
GJVoidDepthFirst<A> Provides default methods which visit each node in the tree in depth-first order.
KangaFormatter A pretty printer visitor designed to be used together with TreeDumper to generate a formatted string that is the Kanga code.
TreeDumper Dumps the syntax tree to a Writer using the location information in each NodeToken.
TreeFormatter A skeleton output formatter for your language grammar.