Package piglet.syntaxtree

Interface Summary
Node The interface which all syntax tree classes must implement.
NodeListInterface The interface which NodeList, NodeListOptional, and NodeSequence implement.

Class Summary
BinOp Grammar production:
Call Grammar production:
CJumpStmt Grammar production:
ErrorStmt Grammar production:
Exp Grammar production:
Goal Grammar production:
HAllocate Grammar production:
HLoadStmt Grammar production:
HStoreStmt Grammar production:
IntegerLiteral Grammar production:
JumpStmt Grammar production:
Label Grammar production:
MoveStmt Grammar production:
NodeChoice Represents a grammar choice, e.g.
NodeList Represents a grammar list, e.g.
NodeListOptional Represents an optional grammar list, e.g.
NodeOptional Represents an grammar optional node, e.g.
NodeSequence Represents a sequence of nodes nested within a choice, list, optional list, or optional, e.g.
NodeToken Represents a single token in the grammar.
NoOpStmt Grammar production:
Operator Grammar production:
PrintStmt Grammar production:
Procedure Grammar production:
Stmt Grammar production:
StmtExp Grammar production:
StmtList Grammar production:
Temp Grammar production: